
Erasmus+ Porcelain Painting

Estada a l’Academia d’Art de Riga (Latvia) per a 5 alumnes de ceràmica.

Dates de l’estada: 20 al 26 d’octubre de 2024

La beca Erasmus cobreix els vols, part de l’allotjament, les classes i algun dels àpats.

Convocatòria de presentació de sol·licituds per a alumnat de joieria:  fins el 31 de maig.

Publicació de la resolució provisional de la Comissió de mobilitat internacional: 3 de juny per correu a les persones que han fet la sol·licitud. Si no hi esteu d’acord podeu escriure el dia 3 o 4 de juny a

Publicació de la resolució definitiva: 5 de juny, a aquest mateix enllaç

Requisits mínims per participar-hi:

1) Estar matriculat el mes d’octubre de 2024 com a alumne de Llotja

2) Ser major d’edat

3) Coneixement A2 o B1 d’anglès

Si voleu participar a la convocatòria heu d’enviar a la següent documentació:

– Carta de motivació en anglès o letó

– Certificat de llengua anglesa. Si no el teniu podeu aportar una prova de nivell realitzada a alguna acadèmia.

La puntuació es farà d’acord amb els següents criteris:

– Expedient acadèmic: 10 punts. L’expedient l’obtenim directament de secretaria.

– Carta de motivació: 5 punts–

Altres escoles que també hi participen:

– Escola d’Art i Disseny de Wroclaw (Polònia)

– Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lituània)

– Estonian Academy of Arts.

Calendari previst:

Part virtual:

October 20 – October 26.2024

Virtual part – ZOOM (September- October before symposium)

1) September. First meeting with potential participants. Organizational issues.

A short course of theoretical lectures on porcelain decoration. Introduction. Getting to know the specifics of porcelain painting, technology, applicable materials, tools.

2) September. Lecture. Two different paint preparation techniques – water- based and turpentine-based. Preparation of water-based paint for graphic drawing with a pen, trying out different decorative techniques, effects and textures with non- traditional tools. Preparation of turpentine-based paint for painting with a brush.

Padding – tamponing on porcelain. A variety of brushes for each selected activity.

Homework assignment – Create sketches for a planned work.

3) October. Decals made in screen printing technique and their application in porcelain decoration. Discussion of sketches. Recommendations regarding the technological process. Seminar. Additional individual zooms in groups are possible if students want to discuss their sketches in a narrower circle.

Working days: 21.10 – 25.10

Symposium program:

1) 20.10.2024. (Sunday). Arrival.

2) 21.10.2024. (Monday). Symposium opening at the Art Academy of Latvia (AAL). A tour of the Academy building Getting to know the Ceramics Department, workplaces and work schedule. Workshop on porcelain painting techniques.

Individual consultations with teachers of the ceramics department. The process of creating works of art based on previously developed sketches. Selection of material for your composition, attempts in the material, first tests, sample firing.

3) 22.10.2024. (Tuesday). Students are working on their own art works.

Individual consultations with the teachers of the department.

4) 23.10.2024. (Wednesday). Individual consultations with the teachers of the department. Completing the artwork creation process.

5) 24.10.2024. (Thursday). Firing of works in an electric kiln. Visit of “Dekolserviss” company. Lecture on the use of decals in the decoration of porcelain and study of the technological process on site at this factory. Conference at the Art Academy. Participants’ presentations, experience sharing, discussions.

6) 25.10.2024. (Friday). Creative program. Visits to museums and galleries.

Opening of the kiln. POP-UP exhibition in the Academy premises or in the garden.

Each participant receives certificate (3 ECTS) for successfully completing the program.

7) 26.10.2024. (Saturday). Departure.

Primera edició:  Woodfiring symposium – Del 3 al 11 de setembre de 2023